Foundation & District Grants

Sharing the Vision of a Better World

The Rotary Foundation helps Rotary members advance world understanding, goodwill, and peace by improving health, providing quality education, improving the environment, and alleviating poverty.

The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization supported solely by voluntary contributions from Rotary members and friends of the Foundation who want to see real change and impact. Support is essential to making Foundation grants possible, bringing sustainable improvement to needy communities.

The Rotary Foundation transforms financial gifts into service projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. Since it was founded more than 100 years ago, the Foundation has spent more than $4 billion on life-changing, sustainable projects.


Fund a small-scale, short-term project that can focus on your community at home and communities abroad.


  • Local and international humanitarian and service projects
  • Aligned with the 7 Rotary Foundation Areas of Focus (also known as Causes) 
  • Are approved by the District Foundation Committee 
  • May fund the costs associated with conducting community assessments 
  • May fund construction and renovation 
  • Criteria include active Rotarian participation in the project


  • Minimum grant size $1,000 and maximum $10,000
  • District match up to $1 for each $1 of cash contribution from the club

Ready to start? Here’s what you need.

  • A succinct project description no longer than 500 words (less is more) aligned with one of Rotary’s areas of focus. 
  • A committee of no fewer than 3 Club members (same club). One member will complete the application in DACdb “District Grants tab”.
  •  A budget in $US supported by supplier quotes. Ideally, you should solicit two bids for expenses. 
  • Sources of matching funds (USD) 
  • Timeline and implementation plan that identifies active Rotarian participation 
  • Public awareness communications/media plan


The application for a district grant is in DACdb. To begin applying for a district grant review the steps in this power point “Quick Guide to Applying” You must be logged in to DACdb to review this document and to apply.

Important Dates

  • Pre-Application Project Review & Checklist – This is an informal review that applicants get on the right track. Opens August 1, 2024, remains open until February 15, 2025 
  • Intake #1 Opens September 15th and Closes October 31, 2024, with DGSC Review in November 2024 
  • Intake #2 Opens January 15th and Closes February 28, 2025, with DGSC Review in March 2025 
  • TRF Review, Approval and Disbursement of Funding – May 2025 to July 2025 
  • Project Implementation and Reporting – July 2025 to June 30, 2026 


Support large international activities that result in sustainable, measurable outcomes in Rotary’s areas of focus.


  • Humanitarian projects
  • Scholarships for graduate-level academic studies
  • Vocational training teams, which are groups of professionals who travel abroad either to teach local professionals about their field or to learn more about it themselves
  • Both the district or club in the country where the activity is carried out and the international partner district or club must first become qualified before applying for a global grant



Minimum budget of $30,000 and a maximum World Fund award of $400,000

Important Dates

Applications are accepted throughout the year and are reviewed as they’re received. Learn more about the Global Grant Lifecycle.

Ready to start?

Follow these guidelines: Submitting a successful grant application

Polio Plus Society

District 5060 PolioPlus Society (PPS) was formed to encourage Rotarians to commit to a minimum of $100 per year to the PolioPlus Fund until polio is eradicated. Society members receive a special PPS pin, an End Polio Now bracelet, and a certificate. 

District 5060 has 80 PPS members. Want to join? 

  • Go to and click on “Polio Fund”.
    • Consider PolioPlus Direct (the recurring option), signing up for automatic giving with a credit card. $10 (or more) per month will qualify you for the society. 
  • Contact District 5060 PolioPlus Chair Pete Van Well to let him know you joined!